‘Tis The Season to wear Ugly Sweaters

One of my favorite holiday traditions is the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. People gathered together, dressed in the most gaudy, outdated 80s Christmas sweaters they can find. It is crafty, sarcastic and funny. Three of my favorite things.

In fact, rumor has it, Chris Boyd and Jordan Birch of Vancouver got the idea in 2001 after a combination of watching Dumb & Dumber and working at a retirement home (according to bcliving). A story that makes me love the tradition even more.

But I have a confession to make.

This year, I purchased my ugly Christmas sweater at Urban Outfitters. And so did at least 3 other people at the party I attended.

ugly sweater 1uglysweater_2_susanschneiderUgly Sweater 4ugly sweater 3

Turns out, UO has an entire section of vintage, recycled and remade ugly Christmas sweaters. They call it “Urban Renewal.” And it is very convenient! But it got me thinking. Are retail stores taking the fun out of ugly sweater hunting? I didn’t have to step foot in a single thrift store or Grandma’s closet to find an ugly sweater, because I spotted the perfect one through a store window on my walk to work. But isn’t the hunt half the fun?

Tell me, do you think buying your ugly sweater at Urban is fair game? Or is it cheating? Either way, I say it is brilliant marketing by retailers!